Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Closet Wars

I should be terribly embarrassed to show you this picture, considering the horrendous state of my closet right now (yes, that is a pair of new underwear on the floor), but I think a picture speaks a thousand words, and the words are....I need a bigger closet!

I feel as if I am in a constant state of arranging and rearranging. Really, I have plenty of room in there, if I can just stop accumulating more clothing! I need to seriously edit this space down, and concentrate more on quality rather than quantity. I mean, who really needs 6 white tank tops from Target?

So, after this month of traveling is through and I am home for more than 4 days at a time, my goal will be to rifle through this disaster area and start ridding myself of this burden. Stay tuned!

p.s. Don't you love how Maddux's hair grows in a natural mohawk?!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lost Your Phone?

How cute is this?

And if you are prone to losing your phone like I am, it can also be utterly convenient as well.

C'mon, you know you want to try it!  I did. It really works!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I stumbled upon this site the other day (thank you, Cup of Jo!) and I have to say I'm in love!

Jordan is a party planner and letterpress printer from San Fransisco who moved to Paris with her husband and kids! How cool is that?! As a wannabe expat, I am fascinated with her posts on living abroad and her cool pictures of day to day life in the City of Light.

She also has some awesomely creative ideas for parties. This is one of my faves.

And the piéce de résistance: she's giving away a trip to Paris!  

If you win, you have to take me!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Color Blocking

Usually, when I think of colorblocking, I picture an overwhelming barrage of bright neon colors. Of course, it wouldn't be hard to find that, but I'm loving these more muted, wearable tones. Still fun and colorful, but without the need to wear sunglasses.